Course Page
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January 30, 2010

Mindfulness for wellbeing and peak performance

Experience The Course
Audience: Company
Responsibilities: Instructional Design, eLearning Development, Graphic Design
Tools: Rise 360, Google Docs
Experience The Course

Problem & Solution

Since the break-out of Covid-19. working remotely has become a trend and Company put focuses on enhancing the wellness and well-being of their employees during social distancing time. 

This course is part of the program called “Mindfulness for Wellbeing” and it focuses on building the knowledge for employees about the importance of practicing mindfulness and how it can help them perform better in life and at work. I developed the course content into smaller modules (applying Hick’s law) with scenarios, graphics, and videos that provide employees with standardized knowledge but are still very engaging. 


I first worked with the HR department to clarify the business problem of the company to come up with clear, direct objectives for the course using SMART model. Then I consulted the SMEs to divide the content into smaller modules and decide what types of training modules should be incorporated into the course. 

Afterward, I created a storyboard on Google Docs for each module. Finally, I fully developed the project in Rise 360 as this is suited to the LMS of the company.


Custom Visuals: Each image was carefully selected to illustrate a point or to call for action.

Interaction elements: Video content, conversation simulations, and tabs with labeled graphics to deliver content in a more easy-digest way

Choice Feedback: As the learner navigates the experience, they receive feedback for their choices. 


Finishing this project provided me with several key takeaways:

Learning Design Principles: In this course, I have applied Gagné’s Nine Principles to structure a suitable process that can yield a great learning outcome. I gained the learners’ attention by putting in interactive content and raised their expectancy by clearly stating the course’s objectives from the beginning. The course also provides feedback for every choice learners make during the experience as a way of reinforcement. 

Don't take my word for it! You can see it for yourself!

Experience The Course